Our programs are made possible by your generous donations and our sponsors. Your support is greatly appreciated and reflected in the operation and growth of Unity Parenting and Counseling Inc.’s programs. Your contribution of money, in-kind services, and goods are recognized, highly valued and always welcomed. Your contributions are tax deductible.

$25.00 – Amethyst – This donation can purchase 2 to 3 days of groceries for a family of four or book bags and school supplies for a family as their children return to school.

$50.00 – Sapphire – This donation can purchase a week’s worth of groceries for a single homeless youth, fall/winter jackets for the children of a Parenting Homeless Youth, or transportation fares for a homeless youth to go to a new job and/or job interviews.

$100.00 – Topaz – This donation can purchase job interview clothes (including suits, shoes and accessories), day care registration so a young parent can go to work, a week‘s worth of diapers for four families, a bassinet/crib for a baby of a homeless youth or college application /testing fees for a homeless youth.

$250.00 – Opal – This donation can purchase a comfortable bed frame and mattress for Unity’s Shelter for Homeless Youth or an adult bed for Unity’s Transitional Housing programs for Homeless Youth, a computer laptop that a youth can use for school/work or a household set-up kit for a homeless family moving into Rapid Rehousing.

$500.00 – Emerald – This donation can provide a subsidy for the rent of a unemployed homeless young family, partially furnish an apartment for a young family entering rapid rehousing or subsidized housing, purchase a year’s worth of linens (including sheets, blankets and towels) for the Ujima Village Homeless Youth Shelter.

$1,000.00 – Diamond – This donation can purchase an educational field trip for 60 homeless youth and their families, a four-month-long arts project, which promotes creativity and positive expression for 12-15 homeless youth residing at the shelter, or six months consulting fee for a parenting coach at Unity’s homeless youth programs.

$2,500.00 + Ruby – This donation purchases two month-long rental subsidies for two youth-headed families to extend their time in Rapid Rehousing apartments when unforeseen circumstances such as job loss or health issues impact ability to pay rent, partial consulting fee for a Crisis Therapist, for shelter and other youth housing programs, furniture for 5 households of homeless youth moving into independent housing, or security deposits for 4 youth-headed families moving into independent housing.