Project Ignite is a stable residence for homeless youth, ages 18-24, who have HIV/AIDS. The major goals of Project Ignite are to provide safe and secure housing while linking clients to HIV-related medical treatment, needed support services, and other permanent/stable housing when appropriate. This facility accepts singles and pregnant/parenting youth. The program currently has 10 apartments, serving 10 households, each headed by an 18-24-year-old homeless youth living with HIV/AIDS with or without children in their care.

Project Ignite is housed in both scatter-site units and project-based units. The program is designed to be developmentally appropriate since the needs of youth are very different from the needs of older adults. This is a greatly underserved population with scarce similar services on Chicago’s South Side. The model is designed to provide safe housing for up to 24 months while simultaneously providing the support services necessary to identify barriers to a healthy lifestyle. Project Ignite offers medication compliance and links youth to medical services and other needed services such as income sources, mental health and substance abuse  treatment, employment, and housing. This helps youth develop the necessary life skills which will later support a healthy lifestyle. 

The program also allows for an intensive assessment  period so other resident issues can be identified and linkages to services put into place. The youth is involved in on-site support and skill building activities which maximize the possibility of the youth successfully utilizing services and developing skills. The program allows staff to model positive relationships. Life skills are taught in each day-to-day interaction. Youth are helped to overcome barriers and flourish.

Project Ignite has achieved many important goals which have positively impacted both the served youth and the community. In the past year, 90% of Project Ignite’s clients had an undetectable viral load. This has the other benefit of ensuring that the youth cannot transmit the virus to others.There are no program residents living with HIV/AIDS that are not enrolled in treatment (100% in treatment). 50% of the clients are employed and 30% of these have maintained the same job for over a year. Over 70% of the clients exit the program to stable housing.

Unity staff and administration pride themselves on integrating cultural competence in all aspects of their programs. It is key that youth are able to access services in the communities with which they have the most familiarity and comfort. All of Unity’s services are accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) and meet this organization’s standards for excellence and meet industry standards in all programs


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