Housing for Homeless LGBTQ Youth in Chicago

Homeless LGBTQ

Homelessness is a critical issue for America’s youth. According to youth.gov, LGBTQ homeless youth are at high risk for various negative experiences and outcomes. Recent studies show that LGBTQ youth are significantly overrepresented in homeless populations when compared to their proportion of the general population in the United States.

Unity Parenting and Counseling understands the causes behind LGBTQ homelessness and the issues that affect homeless LGBTQ youth. We also offer several housing opportunities specifically for homeless LGBTQ youth. 

Statistics About LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

In 2019, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty created a State Index on Youth Homelessness. Here are some key facts and statistics from that report.

  • 1 in 30 youth ages 13 to 17 endure some form of homelessness every year.
  • 1 in 10 young adults ages 18 to 25 experience some form of homelessness annually.
  • 33% of youth who accessed homelessness services identified as LGBTQ.
  • LGBTQ youth have a 120% increased risk of homelessness when compared to heterosexual and cisgender youth.
  • One-third of transgender people of all ages report experiencing homelessness at some point in their lives.

Additionally, the State Index seeks to evaluate each state and its investment towards preventing and ending youth homelessness on certain metrics and benchmarks. A close look at the results of the Index shows that a majority of states are failing youth experiencing homelessness. In particular, Illinois received a score of 42 out of 100 and ranks 32 out of 51 states (including the District of Columbia). 

Within Illinois (and Chicago specifically), Unity Parenting and Counseling works to aid youth who are experiencing homelessness. We provide an additional focus on helping homeless LQBTQ youth.

LGBTQ youth

What Causes LGBTQ Youth Homelessness?

Youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning experience the same challenges as other homeless youth on top of social stigma, discrimination, and, frequently, rejection by their families.

The most common cause of youth homelessness is family conflict, but this is even more significant for the LGBTQ population. Half of all teens experience a negative reaction from their families upon coming out to them. As a result, a quarter of that population is forced to leave their homes.

Additional causes of homelessness among LGBTQ youth include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; aging out of the foster care system; and financial and emotional neglect.

Issues That Affect Homeless LGBTQ Youth

When LGBTQ youth are forced to leave their homes, they often have no family to which they can turn. As a result, homeless LGBTQ youth risk facing a host of critical issues such as:

  • Mental illness issues such as major depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD).
  • Drug and alcohol abuse.
  • A likelihood of risky behaviors such as substance abuse and unprotected sex.
  • Increased criminal behaviors due to the criminalization of homelessness itself.
  • Incarceration or involvement in the juvenile justice system.
  • Becoming the victims of crime or sexual abuse.

There is a national shortage of youth shelters and housing programs, which can lead to youth being denied assistance upon leaving their family homes. LGBTQ youth are also underserved when it comes to housing and healthcare services.

Unity Parenting and Counseling recognizes the struggles that homeless LGBTQ youth face. As a result, Unity strives to offer unique resources for marginalized populations within the Chicago community.

Chicago-Based Housing Opportunities for Homeless LGBTQ Youth

Homeless LGBTQ Youth

Unity Parenting and Counseling is one of the very few agencies in Chicago that provides housing and services for homeless youth on the South Side. Youth are able to receive housing and services in communities where they feel comfortable and familiar. Unity Parenting understands that the community deserves to have services dedicated to assisting LGBTQ youth in Chicago’s South Side.

The programs that Unity Parenting and Counseling offers work to help youth receive the tools and resources they need to address barriers and build strengths. These programs also help youth to be productive community members by participating in community events and helping address community challenges.

Here are some Chicago-based housing opportunities that Unity Parenting offers for homeless LGBTQ youth.

Project Ignite

Project Ignite is a unique resource that provides stable housing for homeless youth, ages 18-24, living with HIV/AIDS. It is the only program of its kind in Chicago.

Access to services in the communities in which our program participants have the most familiarity and comfort is key to their success Therefore, Project Ignite offers the following benefits for homeless youth.

  • Safe and secure housing for homeless HIV/AIDS-impacted youth—including pregnant/parenting youth, for up to 24 months.
  • Links to HIV-related medical treatment and support services.
  • Linkage to permanent/stable housing when needed.
  • Case management to identify needs, link to services, and support for individual growth and achievement.

Umoja Village

Umoja Village provides long-term housing and support services for homeless youth with disabilities such as mental illness, developmental delays, HIV/AIDS, and other medical issues. This helps reduce the need for crisis services such as emergency room care, psychiatric and medical hospitalizations, and even arrests and incarcerations.

In Umoja Village, ongoing rental subsidies are provided without limit to qualified clients. However, clients are also supported to gain the income and skills vital to more independent living.

Ujima Stars Joint TH/RRH

Ujima Stars is the only youth program in Chicago using the new Joint Transitional Housing (TH) and Permanent Rapid Rehousing (PH-RRH) model. It provides housing and support services to homeless youth, ages 18-24, including singles and youth-headed families.

Highlights of the Ujima Stars program include:

  • Clients can move into a transitional housing model and ultimately, into permanent housing.
  • The rapid rehousing lease is in the client’s name.
  • The program provides subsidies and support services.
  • Case managers meet with participants regularly.

Ujima Stars serves all genders and sexual orientations. It provides employment skills, builds confidence, and links to jobs and job coaching.

This program recognizes the importance of existing co-parenting relationships and encourages and facilitates co-parenting couples, regardless of marital status, to reside in the program together, if they choose. Unity offers the only youth housing programs in Chicago with this option.

Take Action with Unity Parenting and Counseling

Unity Parenting and Counseling offers unique programs and services to homeless LGBTQ youth in Chicago. Unity’s programs and services are designed to meet the needs of persons, populations, and communities who are underserved and ignored. Unity’s goal is to support each person in achieving stability. Donate to Unity Parenting and Counseling today to help support our mission.